35S∷ULT1 transgenic plants resemble clf plants and ectopically activate AG and AP3. (A,B) Correlation between 35S∷ULT1 phenotype severity and ULT1 expression levels. (A) Population classes range from most (class 1) to least (class 3) severe. (WT) Wild type. (B) RT–PCR with seedling RNA from wild-type and class 1 to class 3, using EF1α as the reference gene. (gDNA) Genomic DNA control. (C,D) 35S∷ULT1 vegetative and inflorescence phenotypes resemble those observed in clf plants. (C) Fifteen-day-old plantlets on soil. (D) Scanning electron micrographs of inflorescences. (E,F) RNA in situ hybridization showing ectopic expression of AG and AP3 in seedlings (E) and inflorescences (F) of wild-type, 35S∷ULT1, and clf-2 plants. (SAM) Shoot apical meristem; (Lp) leaf primordium; (Se) sepal primordium; (Pe) petal primordium; (Ca) carpel primordium. (G–L) Segregating T3 descendents of a 35S∷ULT1; ag-3/+ plant. (G) 35S∷ULT1 AG/AG plant. (H) 35S∷ULT1 ag-3/ag-3 plant. (I) ag-3/ag-3 plant. (J) Wild-type plant. (K) 35S∷ULT1; ap3-3 plant. (L) ap3-3 plant. Bars: C, 5 mm; D, 1 mm; G–L, 1 cm.