Fig. 3.
Pharmacological effects of functional ion channels in hBM-MSCs. (A) Membrane currents were recorded in the presence of 10 mM TEA or co-application of TEA and 300 µM 4-AP. (B) INa,TTX was continuously recorded under control conditions and in the presence of TTX. INa,TTX was blocked by TTX (left panel) and also blocked by verapamil (right panel). (C) The I-V relationships of Kir were obtained by ramp voltage induced currents against membrane potentials in bath solutions containing 5, 15, 30, 75, and 150 mM K+ as indicated (left panel). Reversal potentials from six patches were observed and plotted as a function of external [K+] concentrations (right panel). The dotted line represents the slope from the Nernst equation (slope, 58 mV/decade). Experimental values (O) were fitted by linear regression (slope, 66 mV/decade).