Mechanical injury induces PDGF-Rα expression in an IL-1β-dependent manner. A, PDGF-Rα is induced in NIH-3T3 by scraping injury as determined by conventional PCR (upper) and quantitative real-time PCR (lower). NIH-3T3 cells in 100-mm plates were repeatedly scraped, and after 24 h, total RNA was prepared for determination of levels of PDGF-Rα mRNA. B, IL-1β was released into the culture supernatant as determined by ELISA. Data were compared with a standard curve using recombinant IL-1β. C, injury-inducible PDGF-Rα expression is abrogated by the presence of 10 μg/ml neutralizing IL-1β antibodies (IL-1beta IgG), but not an equivalent concentration of IgG as indicated by conventional PCR (upper) and quantitative real-time PCR (lower). No antibody added (No Ab) represents a negative control. * denotes p < 0.05 as compared with no treatment control using Student's t test. Error bars denote S.E.