Immunoreactivity for NOS isoforms in CNV within disciform scar and the choroid underneath the scar in late AMD eye (subject 20). In left panels, (A) PAS and hematoxylin staining demonstrates CNV within scar (double arrows) and PAS-positive Bruch's membrane (BM; open arrowhead) and choroidal vessels (asterisks) underneath the scar. RPE are indicated by arrowhead. (B) The CNV and choroidal vessels are positive for CD34. Immunoreactivity for eNOS (C) and iNOS (E) is prominent in CNV, whereas the nNOS is negative in CNV (D). Note that the choroidal cells and perivascular nerve fibers of choroid underneath the scar exhibit intense immunoreactivity for NOS isoforms (C, D, E). In right panels (at higher magnification), PAS-positive pigmented cells (arrowhead) and apparent monocytes (open arrowhead) are seen close to CNV (double arrows) (F). The CNV is positive for CD34 (G). The intense eNOS immunoreactivity in single cells presumably monocytes in choroid underneath the scar (H), whereas nNOS is present in perivascular nerve fibers (I). (J) iNOS is in CNV and presumably monocytes (arrow). Magnification bar in left panels = 50 μm and right panels = 20 μm.