Figure 4.
Division of labor between the perirhinal cortex and the hippocampus for different aspects in memory encoding. Encoding activation (beta estimates) is shown for the perirhinal cortex (red; averaged across left and right hemisphere clusters) and the hippocampus (blue) for critical subsequent memory conditions. (A) Interaction for the difference between M and IO, critical for establishing a role in nonassociative item encoding. (B) Main effect for the difference between IO and IC, with both regions showing enhanced activation for successful item–color associative encoding. (C) Interaction for the difference between IC and ICT, critical for establishing a role in domain-general associative encoding. Stars indicate statistical significance at p < .05. M = misses (no item memory); IO = item only (item memory, no color or task memory); IC = item and color (item memory, color memory, no task memory); ICT = item and color and task (item memory, color memory, task memory).