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. 2009 Aug 25;87(12):930–939. doi: 10.2471/BLT.08.058677

Table 1. CRS categories under which health ODA is reported and definitions.

1. General health
Health policy and administrative management Health sector policy, planning and programmes; aid to health ministries, public health administration; institution capacity-building and advice; medical insurance programmes; unspecified health activities
Medical education/training Medical education and training for tertiary-level services
Medical research General medical research (excluding basic health research)
Medical services Laboratories, specialized clinics and hospitals (including equipment and supplies); ambulances; dental services; mental health care; medical rehabilitation; control of non-infectious diseases; drug and substance abuse control (excluding narcotics traffic control)
Basic health
Basic health care Basic and primary health-care programmes; paramedical and nursing care programmes; supply of drugs, medicines and vaccines related to basic health care
Basic health infrastructure District-level hospitals, clinics and dispensaries and related medical equipment; excluding specialized hospitals and clinics
Basic nutrition Direct feeding programmes (maternal feeding, breastfeeding and weaning foods, child feeding, school feeding); determination of micro-nutrient deficiencies; provision of vitamin A, iodine, iron etc.; monitoring of nutritional status; nutrition and food hygiene education; household food security
Infectious disease control Immunization; prevention and control of malaria, tuberculosis, diarrhoeal diseases, vector-borne diseases (e.g. river blindness and guinea worm), etc.
Health education Information, education and training of the population for improving health knowledge and practices; public health and awareness campaigns
Health personnel development Training of health staff for basic health-care services
2. Population policies/programmes and reproductive health
Population policy and administrative management Population/development policies; census work, vital registration; migration data; demographic
research/analysis; reproductive health research; unspecified population activities
Reproductive health care Promotion of reproductive health; prenatal and postnatal care including delivery; prevention and treatment of infertility; prevention and management of consequences of abortion; safe motherhood activities
Family planning Family planning services including counselling; information, education and communication activities; delivery of contraceptives; capacity-building and training
STD control including HIV/AIDS All activities related to sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS control e.g. information, education and communication; testing; prevention; treatment, care
Personnel development for population and reproductive health Education and training of health staff for population and reproductive health-care services

CRS, Creditor Reporting System; ODA, official development assistance; STDs, sexually-transmitted disease.
Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.9