Figure 5. Gel filtration analysis of HO-1/CPR complex formation in reconstituted systems.
HO-1 or HO-1/CPR were reconstituted with DLPC and the effect on complex formation was examined by Superose 6 gel filtration chromatography. The HO-1/heme complex was monitored at 405 nm. A, HO-1 (1 nmol) in the absence (———) and presence (- - - - - - -) of CPR (1 nmol) were combined with DLPC and immediately applied to the gel filtration column. B, HO-1 (1 nmol) in the absence (———) and presence (- - - - - - -) of CPR (1 nmol) were combined with DLPC, preincubated at room temperature for 2 h prior to loading onto the Superose 6 column. C, The void volume regions of Panels A and B showing differences in elution volumes depending on incubation conditions: HO-1 no incubation (———), HO-1/CPR no incubation (- - - - - - - ), HO-1, 2 hr incubation (— - — - —), and HO-1/CPR 2 hr incubation (— — —). D, sHO-1 (1 nmol) was added to DLPC and incubated for 2 hr with (- - - - - - -) and without (———) CPR.