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. 2010 Jan-Feb;125(1):15–27. doi: 10.1177/003335491012500105

Figure 2.

Gates' original bactericidal action spectrum for Bacterium coli,a modern germicidal action spectra,b and the relative output of a low-pressure Hg germicidal lampc,d

aAdapted from: Gates FL. A study of the bactericidal action of ultra violet light: III. The absorption of ultra violet light by bacteria. J Gen Physiol 1930;14:31-42.

bAdapted from: Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage. Technical report: ultraviolet air disinfection (CIE 155/2003). Vienna: CIE; 2003.

cAdapted from: Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. Lighting handbook: reference – application. 8th ed. New York: IESNA; 1993.

dThe modern action spectra are derived from the Deutsches Institut für Normung (represented with a solid line) and the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (represented with a dotted line). The relative output of a low-pressure Hg germicidal lamp is overlaid on these action spectra to illustrate why the lamps are highly efficient in germicidal applications.

Hg = mercury

DIN = Deutsches Institut füur Normung

IESNA = Illuminating Engineering Society of North America

Figure 2.