Figure 2.
Colocalization of CypD and Aβ in mitochondria. (a,b) Confocal microscopy showed the staining of Aβ (red) and CypD (green) in the of human Alzheimer's disease brain (a) and in the hippocampus of 12-month-old transgenic mAPP mice (b). Colocalization of CypD-Aβ is shown in the overlay images (yellow). The specific staining pattern disappeared when the primary antibodies to CypD and Aβ were omitted (control) or preadsorbed with their antigens (CypD protein and Aβ peptide; in a). Scale bars, 10 μM for a and 5 μM for b. (c,d) Electron microscopy with the double immunogold staining of CypD (12-nm gold particle) and Aβ (18-nm gold particle) showing colocalization of CypD and Aβ in mitochondria of the brains from people with Alzheimer's disease (c) and mAPP mice (d). Age-matched ND controls show only immunogold particles for CypD (12 nm). Black arrow indicates mitochondria, and white arrowheads denote colocalization of gold particles labeling both CypD and Aβ. Scale bars, 180 nm for c and 100 nm for d.