IRAK-1 is involved in LPS-induced ROS formation. A, effect of LPS on ROS production in WT and IRAK1−/− BMDM cells. Intracellular ROS levels were measured by DCFDA staining using fluorescence microscope after LPS (100 ng/ml) stimulation in WT and IRAK1−/− BMDM cells for 15 min and for 16 h in B. The Student's t test was used to calculate statistical significance; *, p < 0.05. Data are representative of three independent experiments. C, loss of IRAK-1 abrogates LPS-induced ROS expression in WT BMDM cells. The cells were transfected with either scrambled control siRNA or IRAK-1-specific siRNA followed by measurement of intracellular ROS levels in response to LPS using DCFDA staining (top panel). The lysates of control and IRAK-1-specific siRNA-transfected cells were analyzed by Western blotting to detect the expression of IRAK-1 (bottom panel). The same blot was probed with β-actin as the loading control. FU, fluorescence units.