Table 3.
Mixed model | Linear model | |
meannon-aberrant | 0.00701 | -0.00064 |
s.d.non-aberrant | 0.11306 | 0.06914 |
meandupl. | 0.48515 | 0.48777 |
s.d.dupl | 0.12920 | 0.11967 |
SNdupl | 3.93861 | 4.99782 |
meandel | 0.76779 | 0.78468 |
s.d.del | 0.22275 | 0.18787 |
SNdel | 4.30702 | 5.54778 |
For both methods (i.e., the mixed model and the linear model), the number of reporters, average and standard deviation of the average log2-ratios are given for the non-aberrant (# = 30,668), duplicated (# = 212), and deleted reporters (# = 116). Based on these numbers the signal-to-noise-ratios are computed