Figure 2. Comparison of genetic diversity indexes between post epidemic and simulated bottlenecked populations.
The comparison of number of alleles, expected and observed heterozygosities between post-epidemic population (black circles) and bottlenecked populations simulated for long-lived overlapping generation species with initial population size (N0) 5,000 (black squares), 2,500 (open squares), 1,000 (black triangles), 500 (open triangles) are presented for Lossi (A, B, C) and Lokoue (D, E, F). Results shown are from simulation with female biased mortality during bottleneck (sex ratio after bottleneck is 1∶2). Allele frequencies of initial population are the ones of pre-epidemic samples of Lossi and Lokoué. Years: 1: just after the first bottleneck (90% of mortality). 2: the population size is constant i.e. equal to year 1. 3: just after the second bottleneck (90% of mortality). 4: the population size is constant i.e. equal to year 3. ** indicates significant Wilcoxon's signed rank test both between observed values and simulated values and between years after the second bottleneck and years after the first bottleneck. Vertical bars represent standard error.