Fig. 1.
Mx1-Cre-induced Ubc13 deletion in mice results in blood cell deficiency and lethality. Control and Ubc13 iKO mice were prepared by poly(I:C) injection, as described in Materials and Methods. Unless specified, mice were used for experiments 9 days after the initial poly(I:C) injection in this and all of the subsequent figures. (A) Immunoblotting (IB) assays to detect the Ubc13 protein expression in the bone marrow (BM) cells, thymocytes (Thy), and splenocytes (Spl) of control (C) and iKO mice. (B) Survival curves of control (n = 10) and iKO (n = 10) mice with the three poly(I:C) injection dates indicated. (C) Whole-blood counts of control and iKO mice (n = 3) showing numbers of white blood cell (WBC), platelet, and red blood cell (RBC), concentrations of hemoglobin, and percentage of hematocrit. (D) Blood samples from C were subjected to blood count analysis to determine the number of lymphocytes and the indicated subsets of myeloid cells. (E) Total cell numbers in spleen (Spl) and mesenteric lymph node (mLN) from control and iKO mice (n = 3 each). Data in C–E are presented as mean ± SD. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; n.s. is nonsignificant.