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. 2009 Oct 5;53:10.3402/fnr.v53i0.2038. doi: 10.3402/fnr.v53i0.2038

Nutrient: Folic acid (µg): age group: >18 ys, men

Countries Number of subjects Mean energy intake (kJ) P95 energy intake (kJ) Base diet (including mandatory fortified foods) Base diet plus supplements Base diet plus supplements plus fortified foods

P5 P50 P95 Mean intake P5 P50 P95 Mean intake P5 P50 P95 Mean intake
Denmark 2,104 10,479 15,530 0 0 256 90
Finland 912 9,050 13,184
Germany 1,763 10,962 16,830
Ireland 662 11,020 16,291 0 0 139 14 0 23 240 54
Italy 728 10,224 14,182
Poland 1,324 13,017 20,890
Spain 718 9,138 12,253
The Netherlands 352 11,747 15,734 0 0 100 20a 0a 0 a 100 a 20 a
United Kingdom 804 9,686 13,854 0 58 401 124

aObserved intake.