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. 2009 Oct 5;53:10.3402/fnr.v53i0.2038. doi: 10.3402/fnr.v53i0.2038

Nutrient: Calcium (mg): age group: >18 ys, women

Countries Number of subjects Mean energy intake (kJ) P95 energy intake (kJ) Base diet (including mandatory fortified foods) Base diet plus supplements Base diet plus supplements plus fortified foods

P5 P50 P95 Mean intake P5 P50 P95 Mean intake P5 P50 P95 Mean intake
Denmark 2,375 8,171 11,821 455 949 1,689 995 499 1,024 1,831 1,080
Finland 1,095 6,582 9,565 451 925 1,619 965 476 998 1,777 1,045 509 1,050 1,857 1,099
Germany 2,267 7,926 12,143 562 1,053 1,860 1,119 568 1,082 1,948 1,150
Ireland 717 7,640 10,994 344 667 1,140 694 347 687 1,195 720 350 704 1,208 742
Italy 925 9,126 12,948 477 812 1,304 843
Polanda 1,656 8,317 12,743 156 457 1,113 516 157 462 1,121 523
Spain 895 7,080 9,800 520 756 1,045 767 547 759 1,069 779
The Netherlandsb 398 8,141 10,830 473 878 1,503 919 488 906 1,563 950 528 968 1,626 1,008
United Kingdom 1,005 6,844 9,784 371 751 1,263 772 371 764 1,350 802

aOut of 1,656 were 299 supplements users.

bData refer to adults 19–30 years old.