Figure 2.
Indocyanine green plasma disappearance rate (ICG-PDR) in patients with acute liver failure. Distribution of data presented as a box and whisker plots: 25th percentile, median, 75th percentile, maximum, and outliers (circles). The bold asterisk indicates statistical significance (Mann-Whitney U test). (A) ICG-PDR measured on day 1 in patients with ALF that recovered spontaneously (SR) or did not recover spontaneously (NSR). ICG-PDR is significantly lower in patients that did not recover spontaneously than in patients that recovered spontaneously (P = 0.002). (B) Lowest ICG-PDR measured throughout the study (day 1-7) in patients with ALF that recovered spontaneously (SR) or did not recover spontaneously (NSR). ICG-PDR is significantly lower in patients that did not recover spontaneously than in patients that recovered spontaneously (P = 0.018). (C) ICG-PDR measured on day 1 in different causes of ALF including viral hepatitis, acetaminophen (AAP), and non-acetaminophen (NAAP) induced liver injury, ischemic liver injury, and unknown causes. The number of patients in each category is indicated. Using Kruskal-Wallis test, no statistical difference was observed between the different etiological ALF groups. (D) Lowest ICG-PDR measured throughout the study (day 1-7) in different causes of ALF including viral hepatitis, acetaminophen (AAP), and non-acetaminophen (NAAP) induced liver injury, ischemic liver injury, and unknown causes. The number of patients in each category is indicated. Using Kruskal-Wallis test, no statistical difference was observed between the different etiological ALF groups.