(A) Immunolabeling of cortices from littermate wildtype (WT) and α2δ-1 overexpressing transgenic (TG) P21 mice for VGlut2 and PSD95. Number of co-localized VGlut2/PSD95 puncta (white arrows in inlays i and ii) was higher in the TGs then the WTs. Scale bars = 20µm.
(B) Quantification of VGlut2/PSD95 co-localization in brain sections from WT and TG mice. (*p<0.05).
(C) Representative raw data traces of mEPSCs from layer IV cortical pyramidal neurons recorded from a WT and α2δ-1 TG mouse. Top, condensed trace. Bottom, expanded trace.
(D) Summary of the frequency of mEPSCs in layer IV cortical pyramidal neurons of α2δ-1 TG and WT. TG = 3.5±0.3Hz (n=11 cells), WT = 2.1±0.2Hz (n=12 cells), p=0.002.
(E) Summary of the amplitude of mEPSCs in layer IV cortical pyramidal neurons of α2δ-1 TG and WT. TG = 11.9±0.1pA, WT = 11.6±0.1pA, p=0.1.