Figure 6. The effect of acetone soluble lipids from human Mu lesions on TNF-α release by J774 macrophages.
J774 macrophages were stimulated with 0.5 µg/ml of LPS. Negative control 1 is untreated J774 macrophages, negative control 2 is J774 treated with ASL from uninfected skin. Positive control refers to purified mycolactone at a concentration of 500 ng/ml and patient samples refers to all 10 patient lesions. ASL from infected lesions significantly inhibited TNF-α release compared to both negative controls with ***p<0.001. Error bars are ±SEM of duplicate assays. Although TNF-α release by J774 macrophages was significantly inhibited by purified mycolactone and lipid extracts from patient lesions, this occurred without significant cytotoxicity.