Detection of each RNA of the progeny viruses after inoculations of C1T1C2C3 and T1T2C2C3. Viruses were purified from primarily infected tissues of N. benthamiana. (A) Agarose gel electrophoresis of segment-specific PCR products amplified from encapsidated viral genomic RNAs. Lane M contains marker DNA species, Lane C1 was loaded with the PCR product from C1T1T2C3 for detection of CMV RNA 1, Lane T1 shows the PCR product from C1T1T2C3 for detection of TAV RNA 1, Lane C2 contains the PCR product from T1T2C2C3 for detection of CMV RNA 2, Lane T2 illustrates the PCR product from T1T2C2C3 for detection of TAV RNA 2. (B) Northern blot analysis of encapsidated viral RNAs from pseudorecombinants. RNAs (0.4 μg), extracted from purified CMV-Y, V-TAV(J), C1T1T2C3, and T1T2C2C3, were hybridized with the probes specific for each RNA segment, as indicated at the top of the blots.