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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2010 Jan 1.
Published in final edited form as: Depress Anxiety. 2009;26(9):796–805. doi: 10.1002/da.20569

Table 4.

Within-Group Comparisons of BOLD Activation/Deactivation in response to Phobia-related relative to Neutral Words

MNI Coordinates
A priori Regions of Interest x y z Z-score k
ACTIVATION (Phobia-Related > Neutral Words)

Specific Animal Phobics
A priori regions
R rACC/dMPFC (BA32/BA9) 12 46 30 3.83 211
12 54 16 4.03
6 52 36 2.91
L rACC/dMPFC (BA32/BA9) −10 44 36 3.32 22
6 38 32 2.73
L rACC (BA32) −12 44 16 3.61 42
R dACC (BA24) 8 24 20 3.67 18
L dACC/dMPFC (BA32/BA8) 12 18 46 3.12 6
L dMPFC (BA9) −10 58 28 4.34 83
L dMPFC (BA8) −2 48 40 2.71 5
L Rostral dMPFC (BA9/10) −14 62 16 3.4 33
L Amygdala −30 2 −22 4.64 66
22 10 30 3.71
20 8 18 3.01
−30 10 −20 2.92 7
L Insula/Inferior Frontal Gyrus BA44/45 −50 22 6 3.8 404
52 36 6 3.7
40 24 2 3.52
L Insula −30 30 −8 3.2 20

Healthy Controls
Apriori Regions
L rACC (BA32) −4 28 42 3.22 10
L dMPFC (BA8) −8 54 40 3.6 77
14 44 44 3.1
R Amygdala 32 10 −20 3.06 10
L Inferior Frontal Gyrus BA46 −46 42 6 3.49 109
40 48 2 3.26
L Inferior Frontal Gyrus BA46/Insula −48 18 16 2.82 7
R Posterior Insula 40 18 8 3.37 35

DEACTIVATION (Neutral > Phobia-Related Words)

Specific Animal Phobics
Thalamus −6 −22 −4 2.98 7

Healthy Controls
Thalamus 6 20 10 4.3 24
−10 −6 −2 3.01 7
−12 −22 16 2.93 5