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. 2009 Dec;52(6):E229–E234.
1. Please indicate the number of primary total hip and total knee replacement surgeries you performed in fiscal year 2004/05.
 Total hip __ < 25 __ 25–50 __ 50–100 __ 100–200 __ > 200
 Total knee __ < 25 __ 25–50 __ 50–100 __ 100–200 __ > 200
2. Do you routinely use systemic antibiotic prophylaxis in total joint replacement (TJR) surgery? __ Yes __ No
3. Please indicate the antibiotic drug(s) you most commonly use per procedure and dosage (check all that apply).
 __ vancomycin __ 1 g __ other __ gentamicin __ 80 mg __ 240 g
 __ cefazolin (Ancef) __ 1 g __ 2 g __ tobramycin __ 80 mg __ 240 mg
 __ cefuroxime __ 750 mg __ 1.5 g __ other drug __ other dosage
4. Is the dosage of perioperative antibiotic given a standard dose or adjusted for weight (mg/kg)? __ standard __ mg/kg
5. At which point of care is the antibiotic administered?
 __ same day surgery unit __ patient receiving area __ surgical suite __ other
6. Please estimate mean timing for when the prophylactic agent is administered, relative to when the skin incision is made (e.g., 1 h prior to skin incision).
 __ < 30 min __ 30–60 min __ 61–120 min __ > 120 min
7. For cemented primary TJR, is antibiotic included in the cement? __ Yes __ No (if no, go to question #11)
8. Is the antibiotic included for all cemented cases or for high-risk cases only (i.e., diabetic)?
 __ all cemented cases __ high-risk cases only
9. If you use prophylactic antibiotics in cemented cases, please indicate the antibiotic used.
 __ surgeon-mixed, drug:__________ dose/bag of cement:_____
 __ premixed commercially available product, specify:__________
10. Does your antibiotic prophylaxis regimen differ between total hip and total knee arthroplasty cases?
 __ Yes __ No If yes, please explain:__________
11. Postoperatively, how many doses are given and what is the usual duration of the prophylaxis?
 Dose:__________ Duration:_______________
 The following questions are specific to persistent serous wound drainage postoperativewithoutredness, warmth or fever.
12. Do you ever culture serous drainage without the presence of redness, warmth or fever in the first week following surgery? __ Yes __ No
13. Do you ever assess wounds for fluid collections via an ultrasound? __ Yes __ No
14. If persistent serous wound drainage at or beyond postoperative day 4, do you take the patient back to the operating room? __ Yes __ No
15. Do you allow patients to go home with serous wound drainage? __ Yes __ No
16. Do you prescribe antibiotics if patient is discharged home with a draining wound?
(if no, go to question #18)
__ Always __ Sometimes __ No
17. If you prescribe antibiotics for patient discharged with a draining wound, please specify type and duration.
 __ oral antibiotics Duration:_______________
 __ IV antibiotics Duration:_______________
18. Do you have a surgical site infection surveillance program at your hospital?
(if no or unsure, go to question #21)
 __ Yes __ No __ Unsure
19. Who manages the surgical site infection surveillance program at your hospital?
 Please specify:____________________
20. Is the data provided by your surgical site infection surveillance program useful? __ Yes __ No
The following questions are specific torevisionTJR surgery only.
21. Please indicate the number of revision total hip and total knee replacement surgeries you performed in fiscal year 2004/05.
 Revision total hip arthroplasty __ < 10 __ 10–25 __ 25–50 __ > 50
 Revision total knee arthroplasty __ < 10 __ 10–25 __ 25–50 __ > 50
22. Do you ever withhold antibiotics prior to obtaining deep tissue specimens in revision TJR? __ Yes __ No
23. If you withhold antibiotics prior to obtaining deep tissue specimens in revision TJR, for which cases?
 __ query infection __ aseptic loosening __ implant wear __ fracture
24. Does your antibiotic choice for revision TJR surgery differ from primary TJR surgery?
(if no, go to question #26)
__ Yes __ No
25. If your antibiotic choice differs from primary surgery, which antibiotic(s) and dose?
 Drug:__________ Dose:__________
26. If you use prophylactic antibiotics in cemented cases in the revision setting, please indicate antibiotic used.
 __ surgeon-mixed, drug:__________ dose/bag of cement:__________
 __ premixed commercially available product, specify:_______________
27. For revision cases, how long do you continue prophylactic antibiotics postoperatively?
 __ as per primary case __ longer than primary case __ until culture results are available

Thank you for your time to complete this questionnaire.

Please return the questionnaire in the self-addressed, stamped envelope provided.