One half-cycle of the SHM, with a channel cross-section of w × h and 10 herringbones with points offset 1/3 of the way across the channel. Each half-cycle alternates with a complementary unit, in which the herringbones are offset to the opposite side of the midline, to complete a full mixing cycle. COMSOL models were segmented into half-cycle units 1.7 mm in length, with an 80 μm × 410 μm channel cross-section, and herringbones 85μm wide along the flow axis and recessed 50 μm into the channel floor. The device used for confocal experiments featured a 56 μm × 392 μm cross section, with herringbones 90 μm wide and 36 μm deep. Seven full cycles were modeled or imaged.