Table 2.
Coefficients for Linear Regression Models of the Percentage of the Destination Tract Population That is Non-Hispanic White: Panel Study of Income Dynamics, 1990-1995 a
Model 1 | Model 2 b | Model 3 b | Model 4 b | |||||
Independent Variables | b | (s.e.) | b | (s.e.) | b | (s.e.) | b | (s.e.) |
Race/Ethnicity/Nativity: | ||||||||
Anglo (ref.) | -- | -- | -- | -- | ||||
Non-Hispanic Black | −50.092*** | (.867) | −43.115*** | (.961) | −39.518*** | (1.003) | −44.200*** | (1.171) |
Native-Born Mexicans | −33.849*** | (1.798) | −22.410*** | (1.740) | −18.799*** | (1.714) | −22.479*** | (2.291) |
Foreign-Born Mexicans | −48.950*** | (1.852) | −34.305*** | (1.776) | −26.008*** | (1.834) | −31.746*** | (2.382) |
Mainland-Born Puerto Ricans | −39.194*** | (4.568) | −29.670*** | (4.046) | −25.679*** | (3.755) | −31.599*** | (4.839) |
Island-Born Puerto Ricans | −40.402*** | (3.297) | −28.122*** | (2.969) | −20.702*** | (3.080) | −20.660*** | (3.971) |
Native-Born Cubans | −32.712*** | (5.930) | −22.117*** | (2.966) | −21.236*** | (2.763) | −20.771*** | (3.655) |
Foreign-Born Cubans | −55.074*** | (1.944) | −24.857*** | (2.932) | −20.416*** | (2.993) | −20.983*** | (3.607) |
Other Independent Variables: | ||||||||
Family income ($1990) | .080*** | (.012) | .035*** | (.009) | ||||
Education | 1.147*** | (.145) | 1.055*** | (.145) | ||||
Homeowner | .478 | (1.035) | .270 | (1.032) | ||||
Number of children | −1.338*** | (.282) | −1.289*** | (.280) | ||||
Interactions of Family Income with: | ||||||||
Non-Hispanic Black | .232*** | (.037) | ||||||
Native-Born Mexicans | .132* | (.067) | ||||||
Foreign-Born Mexicans | .267** | (.086) | ||||||
Mainland-Born Puerto Ricans | .282** | (.085) | ||||||
Island-Born Puerto Ricans | −.099 | (.150) | ||||||
Native-Born Cubans | −.001 | (.055) | ||||||
Foreign-Born Cubans | −.022 | (.068) | ||||||
Lambda (λ) | 1.519 | (1.498) | 1.891 | (1.001) | 1.423 | (1.264) | 1.549 | (1.252) |
Constant | 79.494*** | (2.003) | 103.869*** | (7.570) | 84.543*** | (7.588) | 86.188*** | (7.320) |
BIC | 76174.02 | 77198.02 | 77026.95 | 77025.37 | ||||
N of Uncensored Observations | 5484 | 5484 | 5484 | 5484 | ||||
N of Censored Observations | 27383 | 27383 | 27383 | 27383 | ||||
N of Person-years | 32867 | 32867 | 32867 | 32867 | ||||
N of Persons | 9605 | 9605 | 9605 | 9605 |
p< .05;
p< .01;
p< .001
Models were estimated with maximum-likelihood Heckman selection using the following variables in the selection equation: race/ethnicity/nativity, family income, education, homeowner, number of children, age, age squared, sex, marital status, persons per room, tract of origin racial composition, and metropolitan area racial composition.
Models 2-4 include dummy variables for metropolitan areas of destination.