Table 1.
Differences between NK 603-fed rats and controls. Study of the GMO effects, which are indicated by mean differences (%) for each parameter with the corresponding control group per sex and per dose. The significant differences versus controls (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01), for all the parameters measured in the subchronic feeding tests, are presented. The parameters were grouped by organs according to the sites of synthesis or classical indicators of dysfunction. They were indicated for all groups only if they showed at least for one sex or one diet a significant and relatively ± 5% difference to the mean. The animals were male (m) or female (f) young adult rats fed during 5 or 14 weeks with the GM maize NK 603 (11 or 33% in the diet) and compared with controls fed with a ''substantially equivalent'' isogenic maize line. The parameters were measured for 10 rats, except for the organ weights (20 rats), obtained only at the end of the experiment. In single-boxed numbers, we indicate the statistical differences between GMO-fed rats and controls, which are not found between the mean of the six reference groups and controls. A difference between reference and control groups could indicate an effect of the diet per se. In double-boxed numbers, among the effects due to the GMO, are indicated the statistical differences between the GMO groups and the mean of the six reference groups (which have not even eaten a genetically linked variety of maize as the control and the GMO treated groups). (p): Differences for the indicated parameters are not significant by a nonparametric test but by a parametric one; all other differences by both. “Lar Uni Cell” means percent of large unnucleated cell count.