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. 2009 Dec 10;5(7):706–726. doi: 10.7150/ijbs.5.706

Table A.

Parameters as measured by Monsanto in subchronic toxicological studies in rats, sorted by organs. * data available only for MON 863; ** raw data not analyzed by Monsanto for MON863; # data available only for NK 603 and MON 810; ## raw data lacking in the original NK 603 and MON 810 reports from Monsanto, ? non understandable lack of data.

Parameters (total 83) Units Weeks Abbreviations
Body Weight (Wt) g 14 TBWEIGHT
Adrenal (3)
Adrenal Wt g 14 ADRENAL
Adrenal % Body Wt % 14 ADRENAL_%Body
Adrenal % Brain Wt % 14 ADRENAL_%Brain
Brain (2)
Brain Wt g 14 BRAIN
Brain % Body Wt % 14 BRAIN_%Body
Bone marrow (22)
White Blood Cell x10E3/ µL 5, 14 WBC
Platelet Count x10E3/ µL 5, 14 PLT
Absolute Neutrophils x10E3/ µL 5, 14 ABS_NEUT
Absolute Lymphocytes x10E3/ µL 5, 14 ABS_LYMPH
Absolute Monocytes x10E3/ µL 5, 14 ABS_MONO
Absolute Eosinophils x10E3 /µL 5, 14 ABS_EOS
Absolute Basophils x10E3/ µL 5, 14 ABS_BASO
Absolute Lar Uni Cell # x10E3/ µL 5, 14 ABS_LUC
Neutrophils ** % 5, 14 NEUT
Lymphocytes ** % 5, 14 LYMPH
Monocytes ** % 5, 14 MONO
Eosinophils ** % 5, 14 EOS
Basophils ** % 5, 14 BASO
Lar Uni cell # % 5, 14 LUC
Red Blood Cell x10E6 µL 5, 14 RBC
Hemoglobin Conc. g/dL 5, 14 HGB
Hematocrit % 5, 14 HCT
Mean Corpuscular Vol. fL 5, 14 MCV
Mean Corpuscular Hgb pg 5, 14 MCH
Mean Corpuscular Hgb Conc. g/dL 5, 14 MCHC
Absolute Reticulocyte Count * x10E3/ µL 5, 14 ABS_RETIC
Reticulocyte Count * %RBC 5, 14 RETIC
Liver (17)
Liver Wt g 14 LIVER
Liver % Body Wt % 14 LIVER_%Body
Liver % Brain Wt % 14 LIVER_%Brain
Albumin g/dL 5, 14 ALBUMIN
Globulin g/dL 5, 14 GLOBULIN
Albumin/Globulin Ratio - 5, 14 A/G_RATIO
Alanine Aminotransferase U/L 5, 14 SGPT_ALT
Aspartate Aminotransferase U/L 5, 14 SGOT_AST
Alkaline Phosphatase /AMP U/L 5, 14 ALKPHOS
Total Protein g/dL 5, 14 TOT_PROTEIN
Gamma Glutamyl Transferase U/L 5, ? GAMMA_GT
Total Bilirubin mg/dL 5, 14 TOT_BILI
Direct Bilirubin mg/dL 5, 14 DIR_BILI
Cholesterol * mg/dL 5, 14 CHOLEST
Triglycerides * mg/dL 5, 14 TRIGLY
Individual Prothrombin Time seconds 14 PT
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time seconds 14 APTT
Heart (3)
Heart Wt g 14 HEART
Heart % Body Wt % 14 HEART_%Body
Heart % Brain Wt % 14 HEART_%Brain
Kidney (25)
Kidney Wt g 14 KIDNEY
Kidney % Body Wt % 14 KIDNEY_%Body
Kidney % Brain Wt % 14 KIDNEY_%Brain
Urine Calcium mg/dL 5, 14 U_CALCIUM
Urine Creatinine mg/dL 5, 14 U_CREAT
Urine Protein mg/dL 5, 14 U_PROTEIN
Urine Phosphorus mg/dL 5, 14 U_PHOS
Urine Sodium mmol/L 5, 14 U_SODIUM
Urine Potassium mmol/L 5, 14 U_POTASSIUM
Urine Chloride mmol/L 5, 14 U_CHLORIDE
Urine Creatinine Clearance # mL/min/100 g body wt 5, 14 U_CREAT_Clear
Urine Sodium Excretion * meq/time 5, 14 U_SOD_excr
Urine Potassium Excretion * meq/time 5, 14 U_POT_excr
Urine Chloride Excretion * meq/time 5, 14 U_CHLOR_excr
Total Urine Volume mL/ collection period 5, 14 U_TOTALVOL
NA/K Ratio - 5, 14 U_NA/K_RATIO
Blood Urea Nitrogen mg/dL 5, 14 BUN
Calcium mg/dL 5, 14 CALCIUM
Creatinine mg/dL 5, 14 CREAT
Phosphorus mg/dL 5, 14 PHOS
Sodium mmol/L 5, 14 SODIUM
Potassium mmol/L 5, 14 POTASSIUM
Chloride mmol/L 5, 14 CHLORIDE
PH ## U PH 5, 14 U_PH
Specific Gravity ## U SG 5, 14 U_SG
Pancreas (1)
Glucose mg/dL 5, 14 GLUCOSE
Gonads (6)
Testis Wt g 14 TESTIS
Testis % Body Wt % 14 TESTIS_%Body
Testis % Brain Wt % 14 TESTIS_%Brain
Ovary Wt g 14 OVARY
Ovary % Body Wt % 14 OVARY_%Body
Ovary % Brain Wt % 14 OVARY_%Brain
Spleen (3)
Spleen Wt g 14 SPLEEN
Spleen % Body Wt % 14 SPLEEN_%Body
Spleen % Brain Wt % 14 SPLEEN_%Brain