NK 603: Effects of GM feed treatment classified by organ type. Based on Table 1, all the parameters statistically significant different between GM corn fed rats and corresponding controls are represented by their crude means ± SEM in exact corresponding units. The differences were always p < 0.05 or < 0.01 compared to controls according to one or two asterisks in Table 1. The symbol (p) means that the difference is significant only in a parametric test. The controls are submitted to substantially equivalent isogenic maize with the same diet composition, with all usual conditions exactly identical (genetic, temperature, light, space of caging, water and others). The time of exposure (weeks 5 and 14 corresponding, respectively, to 4 and 13 weeks of GMO diet), the sexes (males: m, females: f), and the dose (11 or 33% of GM maize in the equilibrated diet) are indicated.