Fig. 3.
Concentration of activity and ESI-MS analysis. a. Concentration of activity of RGXT1, RGXT2 & RGXT3 by applying i) simple dialysis of the media fractions or ii) liquid chromatography on a Phenyl Sepharose CL4 column (binding of enzyme in 50% saturated (NH4)2SO4 to phenyl Sepharose columns followed by elution of bound protein and dialysis of eluate). Total activities are given relative to the total activity in one volume of crude media (100%), i.e. the phenyl Sepharose concentrated activities have to be multiplied with a factor of 4 for direct comparison on a μl to μl basis. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) of xylosyltransferase assays containing dialysed F-sRGXT2 and 0.5 M L-fucose as acceptor b and dialysed sRGXT1-F and 0.005 M Me α-L-fucoside as acceptor c. The methyl α-D-xylosyl-α-L-fucoside disaccharide product of m/z 333 ([M+Na]+), the α-D-xylosyl-α-L-fucose disaccharide product of m/z 319 ([M+Na]+) and sodium acceptor adducts are indicated on the chromatograms