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. 2008 Mar;4(2):59–63. doi: 10.1200/JOP.0822002

Table 1.

Background Variables

Patient Characteristics % of Patients
Pretreatment fatigue score
    Mean 19.2
    SD 3.3
    Range 18-64
Pretreatment distress score
    Mean 26.9
    SD 3.7
    Range 0.100
Age, years
    Mean 44.5
    SD 1.2
    Range 29-76
Age group, years
    < 50 28.6
    > 50 71.4
    White 83.9
    Nonwhite 16.1
Marital status, % of patients
    Not married 32.1
    Married/living with partner 67.9
Hours of sleep last night
    Mean 6.1
    SD 0.2
    Range 3-10
Chemotherapy regimen, %
    CMF 61.1
    ACMF 11.1
    ATC 27.8
    I 32.6
    II 67.4

NOTE. N varies due to missing data. For reference, a recently published study22 found that healthy adults whose levels of current fatigue were assessed using a VAS had a mean fatigue score of 19.7 (of a possible 100). In addition, using an identical VAS measure we have recently found mean distress levels of 38.2 in patients assessed in the clinic prior to breast surgery.23

Abbreviations: CMF, cyclophosphamide-methotrexate-fluorouracil; ACMF, adriamycin-cyclophosphamide-methotrexate-fluorouracil; ATC, adriamycin-paclitaxel-cyclophosphamide; SD, standard deviation.