Fig. 6.
(A) Stress-induced Src activation is rapid and EGF-induced Src activation is slow. Here is the time course of normalized CFP/YFP emission ratio, an index of Src activation in response to mechanical or soluble growth factor EGF stimulation. A local stress was applied to integrins using a 4-μm RGD-coated magnetic bead (17.5 Pa for 3 s step function). Src is activated at ~100 ms after stress but is not activated until ~12–20 s after EGF.50 n = 12 cells for +σ (stress), n = 8 cells for +EGF (40 ng ml−1). Error bars represent SEM. (B) Src activation is stress-magnitude dependent. Note that the stress threshold for Src activation appears to be ~1.8 Pa and the Src activation response is nonlinear. n = 12 cells for stress of 17.5 Pa; 4 for 8.8 Pa; 4 for 3.5 Pa; 4 for 1.8 Pa; 3 for 0.7 Pa. Error bars represent SEM. This figure is reproduced from Na et al.50 with permission.