Acknowledgment of the legal name of concerts as Marlboro Music.
Agreement not to solicit cosponsors.
Security at gates and entrances.
Adequate electricity and electrician …
Stagehands and loaders, approximately 25 people for 4 or 5 days total …
Forklifts and work lights …
On-site backstage catering for all working military personnel …
Tents for catering area.
Portable trailers for use as production office and dressing rooms. Philip Morris will pay for the cost of the production trailer.
Telephone service for the production office … Philip Morris will pay for installation of phone lines and long distance charges …
Chairs or bleachers to VIP viewing area.
Port-O-San toilets …
First aid service availability from set-up through tear-down.
Cleanup services.
Public announcement to advertise concerts prior to day of show.
Providing access … to local media to attend the concert, interview military personnel, and conduct interviews on base with talent.
Proper credentials … for all staff, crew, and talent …
Ticket takers and ushers, if tickets are sold.
Printing of tickets and box offices facilities, if admission is charged.
Approximately 30 sheets of plywood, to be used and returned after event.
Access to shower facilities or base gymnasium.
Appropriate personnel on base to assist in advertising and publicity of concerts.
General logistics support to assist in traffic control.
Parking areas …
Topographical maps of concert area …
Overnight security every night while Philip Morris concert equipment is on premises.74