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. 2009 Dec 16;101(24):1696–1708. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djp416

Table 3.

Associations of embalming, compared with no embalming, and risk for all lymphohematopoietic malignancies (LHPM) (ICD-8 200–209; n = 168), LHPM of lymphoid (International Classification of Diseases, Eighth Revision [ICD-8] 200-204, n = 99) and nonlymphoid origin (ICD-8 205, 206, 208 and 209; n = 48), myeloid leukemia (ICD-8 205; n = 34), and brain tumors (malignant: ICD-8 191 and 192; n = 38; benign: ICD-8 225; n = 2; unspecified: ICD-8 238.1; n = 8), adjusted for date of birth, age at death, sex, data source, and smoking*

Lymphoid origin
Nonlymphoid origin
Myeloid leukemia
Brain tumors
Characteristic No. of control subjects No. of case subjects OR (95% CI) No. of case subjects OR (95% CI) No. of case subjects OR (95% CI) No. of case subjects OR (95% CI) No. of case subjects OR (95% CI)
    Never 55 24 1.0 (Ref.) 18 1.0 (Ref.) 4 1.0 (Ref.) 1 1.0 (Ref.) 6 1.0 (Ref.)
    Ever 210 144 1.4 (0.8 to 2.6) 81 1.1 (0.5 to 2.1) 44 3.0 (1.0 to 9.5) 33 11.2 (1.3 to 95.6) 42 1.9 (0.7 to 5.3)
Questionnaire-based metrics
    Duration of working in jobs with embalming, y
        0 55 24 1.0 (Ref.) 18 1.0 (Ref.) 4 1.0 (Ref.) 1 1.0 (Ref.) 6 1.0 (Ref.)
        >0 to 20 71 28 0.8 (0.4 to 1.8) 16 0.7 (0.3 to 1.6) 7 1.4 (0.3 to 6.0) 6 5.0 (0.5 to 51.6) 13 1.5 (0.5 to 5.0)
        >20 to 34 69 50 1.5 (0.8 to 2.8) 32 1.2 (0.6 to 2.6) 16 2.1 (0.9 to 11.0) 13 12.9 (1.4 to 117.1) 18 2.4 (0.8 to 7.6)
        >34 70 66 1.8 (1.0 to 3.4) 33 1.2 (0.6 to 2.5) 21 3.7 (1.1 to 12.2) 14 13.6 (1.6 to 119.7) 11 1.9 (0.6 to 6.1)
        P for trend .058 (.131) .449 (.360) .046 (.348) .020 (.588) .189 (.394)
    No. of embalmings
        0 55 24 1.0 (Ref.) 18 1.0 (Ref.) 4 1.0 (Ref.) 1 1.0 (Ref.) 6 1.0 (Ref.)
        >0 to 1422 70 29 0.9 (0.6 to 1.8) 17 0.7 (0.3 to 1.6) 8 1.8 (0.5 to 6.9) 7 7.6 (0.8 to 73.5) 17 2.2 (0.7 to 6.6)
        >1422 to 3068 70 62 1.9 (1.0 to 3.6) 37 1.5 (0.7 to 3.0) 15 3.0 (0.9 to 10.5) 12 12.7 (1.4 to 116.7) 14 1.9 (0.6 to 6.1)
        >3068 70 53 1.5 (0.8 to 2.9) 27 1.0 (0.5 to 2.2) 21 3.9 (1.2 to 12.8) 14 12.7 (1.4 to 112.8) 11 1.5 (0.5 to 5.0)
    P for trend .477 (.844) –.963 (–.865) .247 (.662) .314 (–.891) –.960 (–.586)
Questionnaire- and model-based exposure metrics
    Cumulative formaldehyde exposure, ppm-h
        0 55 24 1.0 (Ref.) 18 1.0 (Ref.) 4 1.0 (Ref.) 1 1.0 (Ref.) 6 1.0 (Ref.)
        >0 to 4058 70 40 1.3 (0.6 to 2.5) 23 0.9 (0.4 to 2.0) 10 2.4 (0.6 to 8.9) 9 10.2 (1.1 to 95.6) 15 1.9 (0.6 to 6.1)
        >4058 to 9253 70 49 1.4 (0.8 to 2.8) 33 1.3 (0.6 to 2.8) 12 2.3 (0.7 to 8.2) 10 9.4 (1.0 to 85.7) 17 2.3 (0.7 to 7.2)
        >9253 70 55 1.6 (0.8 to 3.0) 25 1.0 (0.4 to 2.0) 22 4.0 (1.2 to 13.2) 14 13.2 (1.5 to 115.4) 10 1.4 (0.4 to 4.7)
    P for trend .422 (.753) –.965 (–.912) .140 (.523) .192 (.966) .682 (–.880)
    Average formaldehyde intensity while embalming, ppm
        0 55 24 1.0 (Ref.) 18 1.0 (Ref.) 4 1.0 (Ref.) 1 1.0 (Ref.) 6 1.0 (Ref.)
        >0 to 1.4 70 53 1.6 (0.9 to 3.2) 34 1.4 (0.6 to 2.9) 14 3.0 (0.8 to 10.5) 10 11.1 (1.2 to 106.3) 14 1.7 (0.5 to 5.4)
        >1.4 to 1.9 70 47 1.4 (0.7 to 2.7) 26 1.0 (0.5 to 2.2) 15 3.3 (0.9 to 11.6) 13 14.8 (1.6 to 136.9) 11 1.4 (0.4 to 4.7)
        >1.9 70 44 1.3 (0.7 to 2.5) 21 0.9 (0.4 to 1.9) 15 2.9 (0.8 to 9.7) 10 9.5 (1.1 to 86.0) 17 2.3 (0.8 to 6.7)
        P for trend .591 (–.443) –.598 (–.287) .096 (–.997) .058 (–.722) .163 (.588)
    TWA8 formaldehyde intensity, ppm
        0 55 24 1.0 (Ref.) 18 1.0 (Ref.) 4 1.0 (Ref.) 1 1.0 (Ref.) 6 1.0 (Ref.)
        >0 to 0.10 70 47 1.3 (0.7 to 2.6) 32 1.2 (0.6 to 2.6) 9 1.8 (0.5 to 6.5) 8 8.4 (0.8 to 79.3) 20 2.7 (0.9 to 8.1)
        >0.10 to 0.18 70 52 1.6 (0.8 to 3.1) 25 1.0 (0.5 to 2.1) 20 4.2 (1.2 to 14.3) 13 13.6 (1.5 to 125.8) 12 1.6 (0.5 to 5.2)
        >0.18 70 45 1.4 (0.7 to 2.8) 24 1.0 (0.5 to 2.1) 15 3.4 (1.0 to 11.8) 12 12.0 (1.3 to 107.4) 10 1.2 (0.4 to 4.1)
        P for trend .635 (–.855) –.766 (–.605) .256 (.951) .396 (–.642) –.567 (–.177)
    Peak formaldehyde exposure, ppm
        0 55 24 1.0 (Ref.) 18 1.0 (Ref.) 4 1.0 (Ref.) 1 1.0 (Ref.) 6 1.0 (Ref.)
        >0 to 7.0 67 48 1.6 (0.8 to 3.2) 29 1.2 (0.6 to 2.7) 14 3.4 (1.0 to 12.1) 12 15.2 (1.6 to 141.6) 12 1.5 (0.5 to 5.0)
        >7.0 to 9.3 72 55 1.6 (0.9 to 3.1) 37 1.5 (0.7 to 3.2) 12 2.2 (0.6 to 7.7) 9 8.0 (0.9 to 74.0) 18 2.3 (0.8 to 7.2)
        >9.3 71 41 1.2 (0.6 to 2.3) 15 0.6 (0.2 to 1.3) 18 3.8 (1.1 to 12.7) 12 13.0 (1.4 to 116.9) 12 1.7 (0.5 to 5.3)
        P for trend .555 (–.302) –.523 (–.111) .089 (–.944) .036 (–.778) .271 (.936)

CI = confidence interval; OR = odds ratio; ppm, parts per million; Ref. = referent; minus sign (−) = a negative trend; TWA8 = 8-hour time-weighted average.

P for trend (Wald test) among exposed only in parentheses. All statistical tests were two-sided.

If 1950 working hours/year is assumed, then 1 ppm-y corresponds to 1950 ppm-h (ie, category cut points in ppm-y are 2.1 and 4.7).