Appendix B.
Mean and standard deviation (SD) of the household characteristics used to calculate the standard of living score in the 1998–1999 Indian National Family Health Survey
Characteristic | Mean | SD |
Has electricity | 0.66530 | 0.47189 |
Has a radio | 0.41640 | 0.49296 |
Has a television | 0.38955 | 0.48765 |
Has a refrigerator | 0.14346 | 0.35054 |
Has a bicycle | 0.43583 | 0.49587 |
Has a motorcycle | 0.12632 | 0.33221 |
Has a car | 0.02432 | 0.15403 |
Has a telephone | 0.10082 | 0.30109 |
Uses a separate room as a kitchen | 0.54776 | 0.49772 |
Household owns agricultural land | 0.49206 | 0.49994 |
Acres of land under cultivation | 119.4 | 589.4 |
Acres of irrigated land under cultivation | 4068.3 | 3413.1 |
Household owns livestock | 0.46785 | 0.49897 |
Has a mattress | 0.57765 | 0.49394 |
Has a pressure cooker | 0.38259 | 0.48602 |
Has a chair | 0.52696 | 0.49928 |
Has a cot or bed | 0.83841 | 0.36808 |
Has a table | 0.48950 | 0.49989 |
Has a clock or watch | 0.71219 | 0.45274 |
Has a fan | 0.48738 | 0.49984 |
Has a bicycle | 0.43583 | 0.49587 |
Has a sewing machine | 0.24008 | 0.42713 |
Has a telephone | 0.10082 | 0.30109 |
Has a refrigerator | 0.14346 | 0.35054 |
Has a television (black and white) | 0.27052 | 0.44423 |
Has a television (color) | 0.13270 | 0.33925 |
Has a water pump | 0.08141 | 0.27346 |
Has a bullock cart | 0.06047 | 0.23836 |
Has a thresher | 0.01707 | 0.12954 |
Has a tractor | 0.01634 | 0.12677 |
Household has a domestic worker not related to head | 0.00043 | 0.02079 |
Household works the family’s agricultural land | 0.19366 | 0.39517 |
Number of members per sleeping room | 2.28628 | 1.88105 |
Has piped drinking water in residence | 0.26282 | 0.44017 |
Has piped drinking water in public tap | 0.17843 | 0.38287 |
Has a well in residence | 0.01236 | 0.11048 |
Gets water from a public well | 0.05867 | 0.23500 |
Uses a spring for drinking water | 0.01941 | 0.13796 |
Uses a river, a canal, or surface water for drinking | 0.03066 | 0.17241 |
Uses rainwater for drinking | 0.00118 | 0.03431 |
Uses a tanker truck for drinking water | 0.00219 | 0.04680 |
Gets water from a covered public well | 0.01041 | 0.10151 |
Gets water from a public open well | 0.09959 | 0.29946 |
Uses a residential handpump | 0.13024 | 0.33656 |
Uses a public handpump | 0.18927 | 0.39173 |
Uses another source of drinking water | 0.00467 | 0.06819 |
Has a private flush toilet | 0.22489 | 0.41751 |
Has a public flush toilet | 0.02964 | 0.16958 |
Uses a private pit latrine | 0.13684 | 0.34368 |
Uses a public pit latrine | 0.00660 | 0.08095 |
Uses a shared pit latrine | 0.02032 | 0.14108 |
Uses a shared flush toilet | 0.03696 | 0.18866 |
Uses the bush or a field as latrine | 0.54355 | 0.49810 |
Uses another type of latrine | 0.00112 | 0.03351 |
Uses clay kitchenware | 0.01023 | 0.10062 |
Uses aluminum kitchenware | 0.36287 | 0.48083 |
Uses kitchenware made of cast iron | 0.00271 | 0.05202 |
Uses brass or copper kitchenware | 0.01379 | 0.11660 |
Uses stainless steel kitchenware | 0.60984 | 0.48779 |
Uses another kind of kitchenware | 0.00003 | 0.00570 |
Uses electricity for lighting | 0.66530 | 0.47189 |
Uses kerosene for lighting | 0.33061 | 0.47044 |
Uses gas for lighting | 0.00055 | 0.02348 |
Uses oil for lighting | 0.00130 | 0.03600 |
Uses other lighting | 0.00158 | 0.03970 |
Uses wood cooking fuel | 0.57660 | 0.49410 |
Uses dung cooking fuel | 0.05214 | 0.22231 |
Uses coal cooking fuel | 0.01582 | 0.12477 |
Uses charcoal cooking fuel | 0.00302 | 0.05484 |
Uses kerosene cooking fuel | 0.08719 | 0.28212 |
Uses LPG cooking fuel | 0.21486 | 0.41073 |
Uses biogas cooking fuel | 0.00434 | 0.06570 |
Uses crop residual for cooking fuel | 0.03629 | 0.18700 |
Uses electricity for cooking | 0.00790 | 0.08855 |
Uses other cooking fuel | 0.00158 | 0.03970 |
House is made from high quality materials | 0.35097 | 0.47728 |
House is made from low quality materials | 0.29623 | 0.45660 |
House is made from mixed quality materials | 0.35079 | 0.47722 |