Size exclusion chromatography and DNA-binding studies. A, size exclusion chromatographies of Vp-MtlR and Sf-YggD. The elution peak of Sf-YggD is sharp, and its apparent molecular size was estimated to be 47.8 kDa, slightly larger than a Sf-YggD dimer. The Vp-MtlR peak is broad, and the eluted Vp-MtlR was estimated to be 90.4 kDa, roughly a tetramer size. A possible mixture of oligomers is proposed, as discussed under “DNA-binding Studies of Ec-MtlR.” B, a schematic drawing of the mannitol operator/promoter region and the four constructs used in electrophoretic mobility shift assay experiments (operator 1, operator 2, MtlR1, and MtlR2). Shown is an electrophoretic mobility shift assay with DNA fragments corresponding to the two palindromic boxes MtlR1-box and MtlR2-box (C) and the whole operator region (D).