(A) Oocytes were injected with the IRDye and either yCC (267 nM), CC (267 nM), CC (267 nM) + z-VAD-fmk (40 nM), or tBid (167 nM) and imaged after 1 hour. Average oocyte fluorescence is displayed in Supplemental Figure 1c. (B) Left, IRDye and 20 ng of either B-globin or flag-tagged Xenopus Bok (xBok) mRNA was injected into oocytes, allowed to express for 5 hours at room temperature and them imaged. Average oocyte fluorescence is displayed in Supplemental Figure 1d. Right, oocyte lysates immunoblotted with anti-flag antibody demonstrated xBok expression. (C) Cell-free lysates were prepared from untreated or CC-injected oocytes, and analyzed for caspase activity over time after the addition of the colorimetric caspase substrate Ac-DEVD-pNA. (D) Top, oocytes were injected with the IRDye and increasing doses of CC or yCC and imaged after 1 hour. Bottom, lysates prepared from these oocytes immunoblotted for active caspase 3.