Table 1.
NSAID use is associated with adverse effects. Which of the following do you believe is not associated with NSAID use? |
What is the expected annual incidence of upper GI complications in patients taking NSAIDs, as reported in the most recent large outcome studies? |
The occurrence of dyspepsia in patients who take NSAIDs has been reported to be less than 25% (true or false) |
NSAIDs may induce GI complications in the lower GI tract (true or false) |
Which of the following factors do you believe is/are risk factors for GI complications in patients who take NSAIDs? (list) |
Which of the following NSAIDs do you believe is more toxic to the GI tract? (list) |
Concerning COX-2 selective inhibitors, for each of the following, indicate whether the statement is true or false: |
They are not as effective as traditional NSAIDs in the treatment of OA or RA |
The use of these compounds is associated with a 50% reduction in the risk of GI complications compared to NSAIDs |
The concomitant use of low-dose aspirin reduces or eliminates the GI benefit of these compounds when compared to NSAIDs |
The use of these compounds has been associated with an increased risk of CV events |
In high-risk patients, the combination of NSAIDs plus a PPI is safer than a coxib alone |
Concerning gastroprotective agents, indicate for each of the following statements whether they are true or false: |
H2-RAs are effective in the prevention of gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, and GI complications |
PPIs are effective in the prevention of gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, and GI complications |
Misoprostol is effective in the prevention of gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, and GI complications |
Which of the following agents has been proved to be effective in the treatment or prevention of NSAID-induced dyspepsia? (list) |
NSAID: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; GI: Gastrointestinal; CV: Cardiovascular; PPI: Proton pump inhibitor; H2-RAs: H2 receptor antagonists.