EP3 receptor antagonists CM9 and DG041 antagonized the cystometric responses to EP3 receptor activation with GR63799X. GR63799X [0.1 mg·kg−1, intraduodenal (i.d.)] evokes a reduction in void volume (A) and micturition interval (B) that was antagonized by pretreatment with CM9 (3 mg·kg−1, i.d.) or DG041 (3 and 30 mg·kg−1, i.d.). CM9 pretreatment followed by vehicle instead of GR63799X challenge was without effect (CM9 alone, 30 mg·kg−1). Vehicle and GR63799X alone n= 10 per group, and CM9 alone (30 mg·kg−1), CM9 (3 mg·kg−1), DG041 (3 mg·kg−1) and DG041 (30 mg·kg−1) n= 4 per group. (^P= 0.008 void volume vs. vehicle, ^P < 0.0001 micturition interval vs. vehicle, unpaired t-test; *P ≤ 0.05, **P < 0.01, #P= 0.07 vs. GR63799X alone, unpaired t-test).