Figure 1.
(A) North Pacific clade from a neighbor joining tree based on synonymous distances (mega; ref. 19) in 528 bp of mtCOI from 12 abalone species. Percent support (70% or higher) in 500 bootstrap searches is shown on branches. (Bar = 1%.) Unless otherwise indicated, samples were collected in California. Hru: H. rufescens; Hso: H. sorenseni; Hwa: H. walallensis; Hka: H. kamtschatkana; Hcr; H. cracherodii; Hco: H. corrugata, Hdi: H. discus hannai (Japan); Hfu: H. fulgens. The first five of these species are designated group A. The number of individuals sequenced is shown in parentheses. Bootstrap values on branches defining each species are >95%. The tree included four additional species (data not shown): H. cyclobates (Australia), H. rubra (Australia), H. midae (South Africa), H. iris (New Zealand), and was midpoint rooted. For additional sample collection details, see ref. 5. (B) North Pacific clade from a neighbor-joining tree based on Dn distances in lysin coding sequences from the same 12 abalone species (4, 5).