Fig. 5.
The repressilator-like Spo0A-AbrB-Spo0E circuit can generate phenotypical variability. (A) Repressilator-like circuit regulating both sporulation and competence. (B) Illustration of the effects of the effects of colony density (ComX) and average level of sporulation in the colony (CSF). Higher levels of such pheromones cause phenotypical variability driven by noise. (C) Response of the circuit for an input stress signal with no noise can show oscillations. Parameters: N = 6, gb = 100,000, b0[infi]b = 0.5, b0[infi]e = 0.075, ge = 50, a0 = 0.075. (D) Response of the system for a noisy input signal can show great alternation of the species involved, being responsible for the phenotypical variation observed. Parameters: N = 6, gb = 100,000, b0[infi]b = 0.75, b0[infi]e = 0.1, ge = 5, a0 = 0.05. Parameters are explained in SI Appendix.