Fig. 2A–I.
A hip arthroscopy in a patient with FAI is illustrated. (A) The anterolateral joint capsule is prepared with the Arthrocare® Vapor®. (B) Capsulotomy under direct observation is performed, beginning in the lateral third to avoid cartilage damage. The capsulotomy is continued parallel to the femoral neck to the labrum and, if necessary, T-shaped along the acetabular rim. Inspection of the peripheral compartment shows the pathologic bump at (C) the femoral head/neck and (D) the intact labrum. For better observation of the head-neck junction, the superior capsule is held away by a Wissinger rod. Inspection of the central compartment under traction shows (E) intact cartilage and (F) delaminated cartilage at the impingement zone of the acetabulum. (G) Débridement of completely delaminated cartilage and (H) microfracturing of débrided areas are performed. (I) The normal femoral head-neck offset is restored with a straight 5.5-mm Acromionizer®.