Summary of the results of removing Notch or having constitutively active Notch on the phenotypes of NB MARCM clones. (A) The frequency of particular lineages (for monotypic lineages) or hemilineage bundles under the two conditions. (B) The frequency of ‘disembodied’ lineages that included the NBs, GMCs and a few young neurons, but few or no neurites emerging from the cluster. The NB was identified by the location of the cluster and the lack of its characteristic neurotactin-positive, neurite bundle. Notch null, white bars; constitutively active Notch (NotchCA), black bars. Numbers refer to the NBs; 20/22, combined data for lineages 20 to 22; in, local leg interneurons, mn, motoneurons. Other designations are neurite bundles: c, contralateral; ci, contralateral intermediate; cd, contralateral dorsal; d, dorsal; i, ipsilateral; id, ipsilateral dorsal; ii, ipsilateral intermediate; il, ipsilateral lateral; v, ventral.