Fig. 3.
GCT and CCT promote KAN1 expression in early embryogenesis. (A-D) gPHB-GUS is expressed in the SAM and vascular primodia of wild-type transition stage embryos (A), on the adaxial side of cotyledons and in vascular primordia of wild-type heart stage embryos (B), in vascular primordia and the adaxial epidermis of cotyledons in wild-type torpedo stage embryos (C) and in the SAM of bent cotyledon embryos (D). A similar pattern is observed in gct (E-H) and cct (I-L) embryos, with the exception that gPHB-GUS is not expressed in the adaxial epidermis of cotyledons. (M-O) A pFIL::dsRed-N7 transcriptional fusion is expressed on the abaxial face of cotyledons in torpedo stage wild-type (M) gct (N) and cct (O) embryos. (P-R) Expression of a pKAN1::GUS transcriptional fusion in the peripheral domain of wild-type embryos at the heart (P), torpedo (Q) and bent cotyledon stages (R). No expression of pKAN1::GUS in heart stage gct (S) and cct (V) embryos, initiation of expression in torpedo stage gct (T) and cct (W) embryos, and reduced but spatially normal expression in wild-type bent cotyledon stage gct (U) and cct (X) embryos. Scale bar: 20 μm.