Functionality of co-expressed CAX half proteins in yeast. A, suppression of Ca2+ sensitivity in K667 yeast through co-expression of various combinations of sCAX1 N-terminal half protein (N-sCAX1), sCAX3 N-terminal half protein (N-sCAX3), CAX1 C-terminal half protein (C-CAX1), and CAX3 C-terminal half protein (C-CAX3), plus epitope-tagged HA-N-sCAX1+C-CAX3-GFP. Saturated liquid cultures of K667 yeast cells were diluted in stepwise 5-fold dilutions and spotted onto selection medium and YPD medium containing either 100 mm or 200 mm CaCl2. Yeast cells expressing sCAX1 and empty vector were used as controls. The plates were incubated and photographed after 2 days at 30 °C. B, time course of 45Ca2+ uptake into endomembrane vesicles prepared from K667 yeast co-expressing sCAX1+empty vector, N-sCAX1+C-CAX1, N-sCAX1+C-CAX3, and empty vector alone. Solid circle, pH-dependent 45Ca2+ uptake; open square, uptake in the presence of the protonophore gramicidin. The Ca2+ ionophore A23187 (5 μm) was added at 12 min. The reduction in Ca2+ uptake following A23187 addition demonstrated that accumulation into the vesicles occurred. The data represent the means ±S.E. of three independent experiments.