Short dsDNA stimulates NSD2-SET HKMT activity on H3K36 and inhibits activity on H4. A and B, increasing amounts of 41 bp dsDNA were added to HKMT assays containing octamers and NSD1-SET or NSD2-SET (A) or NSD2-SET with WT octamers or octamers bearing various lysine to alanine point mutations (B). Wild type (WT) octamers were used in the minus (−) enzyme controls. The bottom panels show CBB staining of histones. C, 0.4 μm 41 bp dsDNA was incubated alone or with 6 μm GST or with 0.3, 1.0, or 2.0 μm NSD2-SET domain. As positive control, RAR-RXR dimers were incubated with 0.4 μm oligo containing the RAR-RXR-specific DNA binding sequence. The products of the reaction were resolved by 5% native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The upper panel shows the SYBR Gold stained DNA, and the lower panel shows CBB-stained proteins.