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. 2009 Oct 14;284(49):34321–34330. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M109.031054


Data collection and refinement for LapB and its complex with a substrate or product

LapBa LapB-4-methylcatechola LapB-3-methylcatechola
Data collection
    Wavelength (Å) 1.23983 1.23985 1.00000
    Ligand (mm) 5 5
    Cell dimensions
        a, b, c (Å) 94.9, 97.0, 133.4 96.1, 97.6, 133.7 95.9, 97.4, 133.5
        α, β, γ (deg) 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 90.0, 90.0, 90.0 90.0, 90.0, 90.0
    Resolution (Å) 50.0-2.3 (2.38-2.30)b 50.0-1.94 (2.01-1.94) 50.0-2.0 (2.07-2.00)
    Unique reflections 55,660 93,774 85,226
    Completeness (%) 99.9 (99.4) 99.9 (100.0) 100.0 (100.0)
    Redundancy 13.0 11.5 7.7
    I/σ (I) 23.2 (3.6) 35.9 (2.7) 18.8 (3.2)
    Rsym (%)c 11.9 (65.2) 7.1 (75.4) 11.1 (57.6)

    Resolution (Å) 50.0-2.3 50.0-1.94 50.0-2.0
    No. of reflections
        Working set/test set 42,020/4,721 73,387/8,169 64,010/7,191
            Rwork (%)d 20.1 24.4 22.2
            Rfree (%)d 26.9 27.8 26.9
    r.m.s.d. from ideal geometry
        Bond lengths (Å) 0.009305 0.012134 0.006015
        Bond angles (degrees) 1.61074 1.88504 1.39185
    Average B-factor (Å2) 30.4 30.4 26.9
    No. of molecules
        Protein atoms 9,277 9,328 9,399
        Water atoms 332 351 409
        Ligand atoms 38 33
    Ramachandran analysis
        Most favored/allowed (%) 85.2/14.8 87.3/12.7 87.8/12.2
        Disallowed (%) 0 0 0

a Residue ranges: substrate-free LapB, subunit A (Ala-2–Arg-298) and subunits B, C and D (Ala-2–Phe-289); LapB-4-methylcatechol, subunits A and B (Ala-2–Phe-289), and subunits C and D (Ala-2–Gln-297); LapB-3-methylcatechol, subunit A (Ala-2–Arg-298), subunits B and D (Ala-2–Phe-289), and subunit C (Ala-2–Gln-297).

b Numbers in parentheses refer to data in the highest resolution shell.

cRsym = Σ|Ih − <Ih>|/ΣIh, where Ih is the observed intensity and <Ih> is the average intensity.

d Rwork = Σ‖Fobs|-k|Fcal‖/Σ|Fobs|; Rfree was calculated using 10% of the data excluded from refinement.