(A) In situ hybridization for srGAP2 in developing cortex at embryonic day (E)13 and E15 and postnatal day (P)1.
(B) Domain organization of srGAP2 which contains an F-BAR domain, a RhoGAP and a SH3 domain from N-to C-terminal ends (1–1045 aa, predicted MW 118kDa). The black bar indicates the localization of the antigen (A2, aa 873–890) used to affinity purify the srGAP2-specific polyclonal antibody to the C-terminus of srGAP2 (Yao et al., 2008).
(C) Western blot for srGAP2 protein levels during cortical development at the indicated time points (E15, P1, P15 and Adult) obtained by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting with A2-rabbit polyclonal antibody (Yao et al, 2008).
(D–J) Immunofluorescence staining of srGAP2 protein expression on fixed coronal sections of E15 mouse cortex. srGAP2 protein colocalizes (arrowheads) with MAP2 (postmitotic neuron marker) in the CP (D–F) and also colocalizes with Nestin (arrowheads) (neuronal precursor marker) in the VZ (G–I).
(K–P) Immunofluorescence staining of srGAP2 protein in early dissociated cortical neuron cultures (E15+ 24 hours in vitro –hiv). srGAP2 protein is found close to the plasma membrane of immature cortical neurons (arrow in K-M) and to F-actin-rich filopodia (stained with Alexa546-phalloidin; arrowheads in K–M and N–P).