Table 1.
Themes in leadership course
Pedagogical knowledge | Principles of teaching and learning in clinical setting How to teach teachers and supervisors Various teaching methods Group dynamics |
Organization of specialist training | Laws, rules and regulations Tasks and responsibilities of the CRE Handling problem-trainees |
Educational culture | Factors influencing the educational culture How to influence the educational culture |
Evaluation and quality assurance | In-training assessment Internal and external evaluation |
Planning specialist training in the department | Effective teaching methods Integrating education and the working schedule Administrative tasks of a CRE |
Supervision of supervisors | Consultation skills How to supervise peers Power relations in the department Appreciative inquiry and other methods |
Implementation strategies | Change management Project management Implementation of new initiatives Strategic communication |
Personal development | Personal development plan |
Leadership in specialist training | Motivating and enabling Role modeling Conflict resolution |
Research in medical education | Best evidence medical education Knowing the literature |
Table 1 shows the themes in the leadership course designed for consultants responsible for education at departmental level (CRE).