Table 1.
Features of candidate and cold responsive genes mapped to Pop-DG
LG | Marker Code | Functional Annotation | Clone/Accession # | EST Source | CG typea |
1 | PL2 | Pectate lyase | BU041363 | GDR | Texture |
Unk23 | similar to F19P19.4 protein related cluster | PP1004A08-T7_c_s | ChillPeach | CIRG | |
PME1 | pectinesterase, putative | BU043277 | GDR | Texture | |
CND | Chloroplast nucleoid DNA binding protein related cluster | PPN018D10-T7_c_s | ChillPeach | CIRG | |
SPS | Sucrose phosphate synthase | DY653691 | GDR | Flavor | |
Aux-IAA | Aux/IAA protein related cluster | CL78Contig1 | ChillPeach | CIRG | |
2 | BCH | Beta-carotene-hydroxylase | BU044761 | GDR | Pigment |
Unk20 | OSJNBb0039L24.13 protein | CL1095Contig1 | ChillPeach | CIRG | |
3 | Unk13 | highly similar to OSJNBb0004A17.4 protein related cluster | CL32Contig2 | ChillPeach | CIRG |
TP1 | Thaumatin-like protein 1 precursor | PPN003H07-T7_c_s | ChillPeach | CIRG | |
4 | RIN | Similar to Solanum lycopersicum MADS-RIN MADS box transcription factor | BU045116 | GDR | Texture |
endoPG | endopolygalacturonase | BU040689 | GDR | Texture | |
5 | PpLDOX | Leucoanthocyanidin dioxygenase | EU292217 | Ogundiwin et al., 2008 | Pigment |
Ara | Alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase | DQ486870 | NCBI | Texture | |
6 | Unk10 | No annotation available | PP1005B10-T7_c_s | ChillPeach | CIRG |
Unk19 | No annotation available | PPN024C05-T7_c_s | ChillPeach | CIRG | |
7 | SPP | Serine protease-like protein related cluster | PPN007C09-T7_c_s | ChillPeach | CIRG |
PME5 | pectin methylesterase - like protein | BU044844 | GDR | Texture | |
TIP | Tonoplast intrinsic protein related cluster | PP1003C07-T7_c_s | ChillPeach | ChillPeach | |
ZXE2 | Zeaxanthin epoxidase | CL377Contig1 | ChillPeach | Pigment | |
8 | Unk5 | No annotation available | PP1004F11-T7_c_s | ChillPeach | CIRG |
PG4 | P. persica PG gene | X77231 | NCBI | Texture | |
ST | Sulfate transporter 3.1 | PPN065F08-T7_c_s | ChillPeach | CIRG | |
Arg2 | Indole-3-acetic acid-induced protein ARG2 related cluster | CL704Contig1 | ChillPeach | CIRG |
a: CIRG = chilling injury resistance genes