The expression and localization of the rat nephrin mRNA and protein in the kidneys was similar in rescued rNeph/mNeph−/− mice, as compared with control littermates at the age of 6 weeks. A: Mouse- and rat-specific nephrin mRNA expressions in rNeph/mNeph mice kidney cortex at the age of 6 weeks, as analyzed by RT-PCR. Genotypes are marked 1) rNeph/mNeph+/+, (2) rNeph/mNeph−/−, and (3) rNeph/mNeph+/−. B and C: Nephrin protein expression and localization in rNeph/mNeph+/+ and rNeph/mNeph−/− mice at the age of 6 weeks, analyzed by immunofluorescent microscopy of frozen kidney sections (magnification ×200). D and E: Immunogold electron microscopy shows normal nephrin localization in the slit diaphragm area in rescued rNeph/mNeph−/− mice, when compared with control rNeph/mNeph+/+ mice. Arrows indicate nephrin protein localization. Glomerular basement membrane (GBM). F: Nephrin localization was unaltered in slit diaphragm area and in podocyte cytoplasm in the rescued rNeph/mNeph−/− mouse, as compared with the control rNeph/mNeph+/+ mouse. However, more nephrin protein was found in the podocyte membrane outside the slit diaphragm area from the rescued mouse and this increase was statistically significant (*P < 0.05). The number of gold particles were counted manually and expressed as the number/1000 nm length of podocyte membrane. Student's t-test was used for statistical analysis.