Overexpression of CrkII leads to alterations in gene expression in T47D cells. A: Expression of CrkII protein levels in T47D and T47D-CrkII cells. B: A heatmap illustrating the top up-regulated and down-regulated genes between T47D and T47D-CrkII cells is shown, using technical replicates as an additional control. C: Four of the top differentially expressed genes were validated using RT-PCR analysis, including netrin 4 (NTN4), connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), progesterone receptor (PR), and Calponin 1 (CNN1). For each gene to be validated, data from three independent experiments were collected and expressed as the average fold change between the T47D control cells and the T47D-CrkII cells. A student's t-test was performed on the data collected from the three experiments to determine significance.