Figure 3. Methionine is necessary and sufficient to increase DR egg laying.
(a) Adding EAA except methionine (−met) did not increase fecundity from DR (P=0.796), however EAA without tryptophan (−trp) did to the level of DR+EAA or Fully-fed (DR v DR+EAA-trp, P=0.00893; DR+EAA-trp v DR+EAA, P=0.4359; DR+EAA-trp v Fully-fed, P=0.7394; DR+EAA-met-trp v DR+EAA-met, P=0.796). (b) Methionine alone increased fecundity to that of DR+EAA and fully-fed (DR+met v DR+EAA, P=0.5288; DR+met v fully-fed, P=0.9118). (c) Fecundity increased with methionine addition (significant ≥0.35mM, P=0.02323), reaching fully-fed at 0.7mM (P=0.393). Egg laying: mean ± s.e.m.; n=10; compared using the Wilcoxon rank sum test.